
~$500.00 Giveaway!~

Okay-not really. Just wanted to see what it would be like to be The Pioneer Woman for a day-very exciting.
I need some advice-so everyone please help!

1.) I need new foundation and powder- I've only been using Arbonne for the last couple of years so I have no idea what's the cheapest best! Need something that definitely covers (now that I'm almost 30) but looks natural, not cakey.

2.) Lipstick-I need something that stays on but doesn't taste funny :( I'm not big on Colorstay-because it cost so much if you don't like the color.

3.) How in the world do you teach little girls to leave those beautiful bows in their hair and not to eat them?

Thanks in advance for your help-


LB said...

1. I use a lancome foundation Teint Idole Ultra - and I LOVE IT! I have to admit - it's not cheap ($38), but it really does last about 8 months for me.

2. My lipstick doesn't stay on - I'm more of a gloss girl.

3. Just keep trying with the bows. Eventually, they just quit ripping them out!

Good Luck!

Melissa said...

I guess I am the cheapy, I use the cover girl version of the mineral powder. I really like it. As far as lipstick goes I wear lip gloss as well. I don't have girls but I know other moms who popped their hands anytime they tried to pull the bows out ;( Good luck!

Nesa said...

I'm a Lancome girl. I love their concealer, foundation, and powder. Yes, it is a little expensive, but it lasts forever. Seriously I probably buy it twice a year. I am not into lipstick that much, usually just gloss. Hope that helps! Umm...I just read Laura's comment. Guess two great minds think alike!

Carrie said...

I agree with the girls about Lancome. And if you wait until they are having a free bonus, you can usually get a lipstick and a gloss plus more for free! (Their Juicy Tubes are great!) They will also let you try on and sample colors so that you will be sure to like it.
As far as powder,,, I just use Cover Girl and I think it is great. I would say spend more on getting the perfect foundation, and save in other places.
Love you girl!!