
~One Month Old~

Caleb is one month old!

Aylah loves posing with her brother.

The sweetest picture ever!

Caleb, we are so very thankful for you and who you are!  You have had a very tough first month of life, with acid reflux and lots and lots of tummy aches.  You don't sleep well at all, in fact, you usually wake up every 2-5 minutes.  You like to be held upright and sleeping away on mommy and you don't take your pacifier very often.  You seem to like sitting in your bouncer and the car seat, but I think it is because it relieves your tummy aches.  You do really well riding in the car.  My favorite thing to do is have you lay on my shoulder while I kiss and kiss you sweet little cheeks.  I love it when you hold my finger.  We have spent many many hours together, just me and you, especially during the night.  While they are exhausting at times, I cherish every single minute with you!  We love you so much!

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