
~Trunk or Treating~

This year, for the first time, we headed to a few churches for a little trunk or treating.  We were invited by some friends and we had a great time!  Aylah was totally excited, Grace finally figured out the drill and then just kept asking for more candy and Caleb slept throughout the evening!
Grace and Aylah getting ready to go trunk or treating inside, since it is so cold outside.

Each booth had a biblical theme as they passed out candy.

Grace was in love with the lamb more than the candy.

Grace was saying, " I don't like it", to the scary guy in the corner.

Grace is still making sure the scary guy is staying far away!

Thing 1 and Thing 2

Grace and Aylah had a great time with Micah and Jonah.

We headed back to our church for a bible study and a huge candy hunt in the gym.

Grace found a sucker and that's all she needed.

Aylah had a great time and thought the candy hunt was so cool.  She went for all the nerds first and then gum for her daddy.

I had 2 outfits for Caleb, but it got so crazy at the end trying to get out the door, I just put him in his lion pajamas and we'll try for a outfit next year.

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