
~10 Months Old~

~So sweet~
Uh...mommy-is that Kisses climbing the fence and running away again?

If any of you are scratching your head thinking---"I sure thought Aylah was almost 11 months old, not 10 months" --well-you deserve a prize for keeping up with her age (so buy yourself a treat next time you're out and about). She is almost 11 months old but I'm really late posting pictures.


Carrie said...

Oh my gosh, she is so beautiful! I love her hair in pulled back like that, she looks like such a big-girl! I can't wait to get my hands on her in a couple of weeks!

Melly said...

GAA!! I can't wrap my mind around how big she is. So, when are you to gonna come spend a couple days??

Melissa said...

I cant believe how big she is getting!!! So what does she want for her birthday?