
~1 Year Check Up~

Today was Aylah's one year check up. She did great, of course. Aylah weighs 20 lbs (35 percentile) and is 30 1/2 inches (95 percentile). He said unless she slows down on her height at an earlier age than normal, she's looking to be about 5'7"---we'll see about that. She's pretty perfect except for an ear infection again :(--poor Belle!


Carrie said...

Great stats Aylah! You are growing up so fast! Love you!

Snips and Snails said...

You are going to looking up at her in no time!

Becky said...

COngratulations on a healthy little girl. I know you are so proud of her. The next year is going to be so much fun watching her grow up. XOXO