
~Caleb is 3 Months~

Caleb is 3 months old now and he just keeps getting cuter every day!  I just can't get enough of this sweet little guy.  He is starting to feel much better and sleep better as well.  He is still eating every 3 hours and wakes up every 3-4 hours during the night, but at least he is not crying all the time.  I enjoy every minute with him and I just want to love on him all the time!  Grace is starting to really love on him too, and Aylah absolutely loves him to pieces!  Caleb is starting to really suck on his hands and I mean hands.  He sticks his whole fist in his mouth and sucks away.  He is wearing 3-6 month clothes and smiles all the time now.  Every once in a while, he'll see you walk in the room and you'll catch his eye.  Oh sweet Caleb, I love you so very much!

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