
~Uncle Gary's 60th Birthday~

The Wheelers and the Fredericks where on their way to Kentucky for a wedding and we met them at IHOP as they passed through.
It just so happened to be Gary's 60th birthday, so we had a celebration while we were there.
Aylah is joining in on the festivities.
The cone says, "Caution, 60 year old senior moment".

Melissa brought me a very special cookie for my birthday.

And cupcakes for everyone else!
Aylah tried eating her cupcake in a variety of ways.
1.) Taking a few bites at a time.

2.) A spoon for the icing.

3.) Using her hands.

4.) And just simply digging in!
Happy Birthday Gary!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

okay i want some belly shots. It may still be small but I'm dying to see! Miss you! Let me know when is a good time to get together.