
~Caleb 5 Months~

Caleb is 5 months old now.  His hair is starting to grow out a little more and he still smiles all the time.  He sits up a little if I hold his hands and he really likes to read books.  He reaches out for things if I put it in front of him and loves to sit in his bouncer, swing and exersaucer, as long as he doesn't stay in any of them too long.  He would much rather just be held or carried in his wrap than anything though. He likes to play with his keys and his little blue rattle that doubles as a teething ring. He also has been watching a few praise baby videos with his sisters.  Caleb naps good, eats good and is a very happy baby, he just needs to learn to sleep longer than 3 hours during the night.  That will come though, hopefully!  I love Caleb so much, I don't even know how to contain my love.  I could kiss him every second of the day and it still wouldn't be enough.  He is my sweet baby boy!

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