
~Caleb's First Taste of Cereal~

Caleb had his 4 month check up and the doctor told me it was time to start giving him some cereal and work our way up to baby food by the time he was 6 months old.  I could not believe it!  I remember when Aylah was this age and I started feeding her baby food.  I thought she was so old and so mature.  Caleb just seems like a little baby.  Too little to be eating baby food already.  I'm not sure, but it seems to get harder and harder to let each of my kids grow up.  I have definitely babied this little boy more than ever! 
Caleb wasn't too sure about the cereal at first.  However, after a few bites, he ate the rest like a champ.  I thought this might help him sleep better at night since he is still waking up every 3 hours.  The first night I gave him the cereal he slept 6 hours, but it must have been a coincidence because it hasn't happened again.

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