

On Monday's, I usually let Aylah watch her Psalty videos all morning while I clean the house. Today was no different, expect when I walked in to the living room to check on her, she had no diaper on. I asked her where it was as I began searching through the whole house looking for a diaper. I finally went back to her and said, "Aylah, where is your diaper?" She answered, "trash"! So, I went to the trash can and sure enough, there is was, right on top!


Carrie said...

Oh my!! Good luck Shana,, :) Sam is still very interested in taking his diaper off! Sam and Aylah are two peas in a pod huh!

Nesa said...

Sounds like she is ready to potty train. Have fun!

Snips and Snails said...

Hehe! At least she knows it goes in the trash

Dana Lohrer said...

What a cute story!!! Thankfully, she didn't put under the couch or something!!! Potty training is right around the corner for her!!!

Also, where did you get the Psalty videos??? I so remember those growing up and would love for my kids to see/hear them!!!