
~Tomatoe Basil Yummy~

Today, I conquered a terrible fear I've had for a very long time. You see, I'm not the best cook on the block even though I certainly do try. It's because of this, that I stick to recipe books step by step with complete and accurate measurements.
We've been so blessed by many people who share their home grown produce with us and obviousely right now is the time for tomatoes. I've been so thankful for this, because Aylah absolutely loves tomatoes and I haven't had to buy any for a while now. However, I think she might be getting a little tired of them and they were starting to pile up in our fridge. So today, Mike had a lunch appointment which left me with tomatoes and a pan. Ladies and gentlemen, I made my very own tomatoe basil pasta with all my own measurements, in fact, I didn't even really measure, I just started dumping things in. Just let me tell you, watch out Olive Garden, I might be the next big chef in town (only with this one recipe of course)!


Becky said...

I don't believe it. You can't cook.

Melly said...

Yummy!!! You might have to teach me that one!! :)